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May the road rise with you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, And rains fall soft upon your fields, And until we meet again, may God keep you in His hollow hand.

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Robert Moran who was born in Pennsylvania on February 27, 1982 and passed away on July 26, 2008. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.


                                    For Our Loved One
We'll meet again when this world ends, but until then, we'll remember all your good years, your bad and your lean years, your laughter and your tears. We'll remember how you came through it all standing so tall, never complaining, because you were too tough to fall. We'll remember how you always had time for a friend, a smile and a helping hand. You were a big- big hearted man. Yes, we'll meet again when this world ends, but until then, We'll remember all the funny things you used to say and do, and all the wonderful times that we shared, too. Yes we'll remember from day to day and we just wanted to say, We'll meet again when this world ends, but until then, Thanks for being such a great, greatson, grandson, brother, boyfriend, uncle, cousin, nephew and friend.

           We love you Bob You'll always be in our hearts and Memories!!!

Быстрая галерея
Happy!! My Love Mandi & Bob Robert Joseph Moran Together Forever! Bob His Day!! R.I.P.
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